Author Page


Kathrine Bagdasaryan

Kathrine Bagdasaryan[/ezcol_1third]


Kathrine Bagdasaryan

Kathrine Bagdasaryan graduated from Herbert Hoover High School in Glendale, CA. Her passion for reading and writing was clear at a very young age, but it was the death of a close family member that pushed her to publish. She hopes to attend University of California for her medical degree after she earns her B.S. in Biology from Cal State Northridge. Revenge Is Savory is her first novel and she is currently working on the trilogy.


Books by Kathrine Bagdasaryan

Revenge Is Savory

The exchange of words through Facebook kindled the relationship between Dylan and Kate during high school. Now that Dylan and Kate are college students, their puppy love grows into a connection more passionate than they thought it would be. After surviving a car accident before Thanksgiving break, they understand the fragility of life and develop a deeper appreciation for each other. Kate and Dylan focus on reconstructing their lives to return to the peaceful days they experienced before. However, a murder in their community is causing everyone to be on the edge. One day, Dylan discovers his home has been violently broken into. On a bedroom wall, words angrily written in red send a warning to him and his girlfriend. Are they next?

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