Michelle Angel

Michelle Angel is a full time guide and consultant for the dying and their loved ones. Her book, I Sell Tomatoes, Inspiration and Consideration Before End-Of-Life, is what you, your friends and family can use to open the conversation on the often difficult subject of what happens at the moment of death and how to meet the end-of-life.

Books by Michelle Angel

In 1994, after witnessing the soul leave the body at death, Michelle Angel had the epiphany that her life’s work was to serve the dying. Twists and turns and years later, she found herself as an owner of a Farmers Market fifteen hundred miles from where she began. There for twenty years, the work she was called to do still found her.

Now, as a full-time guide and consultant for the dying and their loved ones, Michelle wrote I Sell Tomatoes, Inspiration and Consideration Before End-Of-Life, to alleviate fear, inspire self-inquiry, and encourage conversation for before the inevitable – end of life. Also in this thought-provoking little book are “Fun Farmers Market Secrets” that are sure to bring a smile.